Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Strube


    • Anlagen- und Prozeßtechnik, Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Bioverfahrenstechnik
    • Modellierung und Simulation verfahrenstechnischer Systeme, Dynamische Simulation mit SPEEDUPTM/ gPROMS/ AspenCustomModelerTM, Stationäre Simulation mit ASPENPLUSTM
    • Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik/Life Science Engineering
    • DECHEMA e.V. Weiterbildungskurse ”Auslegung und Betrieb chromatographischer Trennprozesse”, „Process Chromatography“ und „Downstream Processing“
    • Betreuung von ca. 110 Studien- und Diplomarbeiten sowie ca. 12 Promotionen
    • ca. 7 Patente, ca. 40 Veröffentlichungen sowie ca. 120 nationale und internationale Vorträge
    • Mitglied Scientific Committee SPICA und FOA, Dechema e.V. Fachausschuss Adsorption Leitung Chromatographie, Arbeitskreisvorsitzender Phytoextrakte
  • 1994

    • Patent-Antrag P 44 14 599.3-43
      Kontinuierliche Gegenstrom-Chromatographie-Verfahren mit Desorption und/oder Regeneration durch Mikrowellenenergie
      J. Strube, H. Schmidt-Traub
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 66 (1994), pp. 1193-1193
      Dynamische Simulation des Chromatographie-Prozesses mit scheinbarem Gegenstrom
      J. Strube, H. Schmidt-Traub


    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 67 (1995) Nr. 3, S. 323-326
      Dynamische Simulation des kontinuierlichen SMB (Simulated-Moving-Bed)-Chromatographie-Prozesses
      J. Strube, S. Michel, H.-I. Paul, H. Schmidt-Traub


    • Dissertation 4/1996 Universität Dortmund
      Simulation und Optimierung kontinuierlicher Simulated Moving Bed (SMB)-Chromatographie-Prozesse
      J. Strube
    • Comp. chem. Engng. Vol. 20, Suppl., pp. S641-646, 1996
      Dynamic Simulation of Simulated-Moving-Bed Chromatographic Processes
      J. Strube, H. Schmidt-Traub


    • J. Chromatogr. A, 769 (1997) 71-79
      Dynamic Simulation of Simulated Moving Bed Chromatographic Reactors
      M. Meurer, U. Altenhöner, J. Strube, H. Schmidt-Traub
    • J. Chromatogr. A, 769 (1997) 59-69
      Parameter-Estimation for the Simulation of Fluid-Chromatography
      U. Altenhöner, M. Meurer, J. Strube, H. Schmidt-Traub
    • J. Chromatogr. A, 769 (1997) 81-92
      Dynamic Simulation of the Simulated Moving Bed Chromatographic Process for the Optimization of Chiral Separations
      J. Strube, U. Altenhöner, M. Meurer, M. Schulte, H. Schmidt-Traub
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech 69 (1997) Nr. 1-2, pp. 132-134
      Experimenteller Vergleich verschiedener thermischer Desorptions-verfahren zur Lösungsmittelrückgewinnung
      D. Bathen, J. Strube, H. Schmidt-Traub
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech 69 (1997) Nr. 3, pp. 328-331
      Optimierung kontinuierlicher Simulated Moving Bed-Chromatographie-Prozesse durch dynamische Simulation
      J. Strube, U. Altenhöner, M. Meurer, H. Schmidt-Traub
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech 69 (1997) Nr. 9, pp. 1219-1219
      Auslegung und Betrieb chromatographischer Trennprozesse
      J. Strube, U. Altenhöner, M. Meurer, H. Schmidt-Traub, M.Schulte, R. Ditz
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 69 (1997), Nr. 11, pp. 1627-1631

      Entwurf und Auslegung kontinuierlicher Simulated Moving Bed Chromatographie-Reaktoren
      M. Meurer, U. Altenhöner, J. Strube, H. Schmidt-Traub


    • Comp. chem. Engng. 22, (1998), pp. 855-858
      Modeling of Simulated Moving Bed Chromatographic Processes with regard to Process Control Design
      G. Dünnebier, I. Weirich, K.U. Klatt, S. Engell, J. Strube, H. Schmidt-Traub
    • Comp. chem. Engng. 22 (1998)  No. 9, pp. 1309-1317
      Dynamic Simulation of Simulated Moving Bed (SMB-)Chromatographic Processes
      J. Strube, H. Schmidt-Traub
    • Organic Process Research & Development 1 (1998), pp. 305-319
      Comparison of Batch Elution and Continuous Simulated Moving Bed Chromatography
      J. Strube, S. Haumreißer, H. Schmidt-Traub, M. Schulte, R. Ditz
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 70 (1998), Nr. 9, pp. 1099-1100
      51. Modellierung chromatograpischer Trennprozesse: Ein Überblick unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Prozessführung und Online-Optimierung
      K.U. Klatt, G. Dünnebier, S. Engell, J. Strube, H. Schmidt-Traub
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 70 (1998), Nr. 10, pp. 1271-1279
      Auslegung, Betrieb und ökonomische Betrachtung chromatographischer Trennprozesse
      J. Strube, H. Schmidt-Traub, M. Schulte
    • Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development (1998), pp. 264-274
      Simulated Moving Bed Chromatography Technology in Pharmaceutical New Product Development - It's Impact on the Industry's Race to the Market.
      R. Ditz, M. Schulte, J. Strube
    • AIChE Symposium Series 94 (1998) No. 320, pp. 440-450
      Design and Optimization of Chromatographic Processes in Production Scale
      J. Strube, H. Schmidt-Traub, M. Schulte, R. Ditz


    • Chirality 11 (1999) No. 2, pp. 440-450
      Design, Optimization and Operation of SMB Chromatography in the Production of Enantiomerically Pure Pharmaceuticals
      J. Strube, A. Jupke, A, Epping, H. Schmidt-Traub, M. Schulte, R. Devant
    • EP Patent 1140316 B1
      Kontinuierliches Verfahren zur Trennung von Stoffen nach Molekülgrösse
      L. Britsch, M. Schulte, J. Strube


    • Acta Biotechnologica 20 (2000) No. 1, pp. 3-15
      Review: Continuous preparative liquid chromatography in the downstream processing of biotechnological products
      M. Schulte, L. Britsch, J. Strube
    • Shaker Verlag, Aachen
      Habilitation, Universität Dortmund, FB CT, Mai 1999 Technische Chromatographie - Auslegung, Optimierung, Betrieb und Wirtschaftlichkeit
      J. Strube
    • WO Patent 2000,037,156
      Continuous Method for Separating Substances According to Molecular Size
      L. Britsch, M. Schulte, J. Strube


    • Journal of Chromatography A 906 (2001), pp. 399-416
      Review: Preparative Enantioseparation by Simulated Moving Bed (SMB-) Chromatography
      M. Schulte, J. Strube


    • Chem. Eng. J. 85 (2002) pp. 273-288
      Process development of product recovery and solvent recycling steps of chromatographic separation steps
      J. Strube, R. Gärtner, M. Schulte
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 74 (2002) Nr. 5, pp. 594-594
      Auslegung von Extraktionsverfahren im Prozessverbund
      J. Strube, J. Leistner, M. Franke, A. Gorak, W. Bäcker
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 74 (2002) Nr. 5, pp. 606-606
      Extraktion als Mittel zur Abwasseraufbereitung
      J. Leistner, A. Gorak, W. Bäcker, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 74 (2002) Nr. 5, pp. 677-677

      Modellierung der Trennung von Mehrkomponentensystemen mittels Gradientenelution in der präparativen Ionenaustausch-Chromatographie
      A. Wiesel, H. Schmidt-Traub, J. Lenz, J. Strube


    • Separation Science and Technology 38 (2003) No. 14, pp. 3353-3383
      Hybrid Processes: Design Method for optimal Coupling of Chromatography and Crystallization Units
      G. Ströhlein, M. Schulte, J. Strube
    • Journal of Chromatography A, 1006 (2003) pp. 101-120
      Modeling Gradient Elution of bioactive Multicomponent Systems in nonlinear Ion Exchange Chromatography
      Wiesel, H. Schmidt-Traub, J. Lenz, J. Strube
    • US Patent 6.511.512
      Continuous Method for Separating Substances According to Molecular Size
      L. Britsch, M. Schulte, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 75 (2003) Nr. 8, pp. 1071-1072
      Thermische Trennverfahren als Schlüsseltechnologie in den Life-Sciences
      J. Strube, M. Schulte
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 75 (2003) Nr. 8, pp. 1077-1077
      Phyto-Extrakte: Verfahrenstechnischer Bedarf für Produkte und Prozesse
      R. Stockfleth, R. Goedecke, W. Johannisbauer, W. Bäcker, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 75 (2003) Nr. 8, pp. 1162-1163
      Auslegung und Optimierung von hybriden Trennprozessen zur Isomerentrennung
      M. Franke, A. Gorak, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 75 (2003) Nr. 8, pp. 1169-1169
      Generische Methode zur Phasenauswahl und Methodenoptimierung in der Biochromatographie
      M. Lohrmann, M. Schulte, J. Strube


    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 66 (2004) Nr. 9, pp. 1195-1196
      56. Dynamische Simulation des Chromatographieprozesses mit scheinbarem Gegenstrom
      H. Schmidt-Traub, J. Strube, S. Michel
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 67 (2004) Nr. 3, pp. 323-326
      Dynamische Simulation des kontinuierlichen SMB (Simulated-Moving-Bed)-Chromatographie-Prozesses
      H. Schmidt-Traub, J. Strube, H.-I. Paul, S. Michel
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 76 (2004) Nr. 3, pp. 199-210
      Auslegung und Optimierung von hybriden Trennverfahren
      M. Franke, A. Górak, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 76 (2004) Nr. 9, pp. 1344-1344
      Hybride Trennprozesse - Forschungsbedard oder industriell gelöst?
      J. Strube, W. Bäcker, G. Olf, E. Dikow, A. Gorak, M. Franke
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 76 (2004) Nr. 9, pp. 1414-1415
      Generische Methode zur Phasenauswahl und Methodenoptimierung in der Biochromatographie
      M. Lohrmann, M. Schulte, J. Strube


    • Journal of Chromatography A (2005), pp. 89-100
      Generic Method for Systematic Phase Selection and Method Development of Biochromatographic Processes - Part 1: Selection of a Suitable Cation-Exchanger for the Purification of a Pharmaceutical Protein
      M. Lohrmann, M. Schulte, J. Strube
    • Chemical Engineering and Processing 44 (2005), pp. 1123-1137
      Challenges in Biotechnology Production - Generic Processes and Process Development for Monoclonal Antibodies
      S. Sommerfeld, J. Strube
    • Comp. Chem. Engng. 20 (2005) pp. 871-876

      Design and Optimization of Layer Crystallization Processes
      C. Wallert, M. Marquart, J.T. Leu, J. Strube
    • WO Patent 2005,113,101

      Method for the Production of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products with integrated Multicolumn Chromatography
      J. Strube, K.U. Klatt, G. Nöth, J. Greifenberg, S. Böcker, H. Kansy, P. Jähn, B. Justen
    • EP Patent 1,140,316

      Continuous Method for Separating Substances according to Molecular Size
      L. Britsch, M. Schulte, J. Strube
    • US Patent App. 11/574,849

      Liquid Distributor and Liquid Collector for Chromatography Columns
      G.H. Klepp, S. Böcker, J. Strube, H. Kansy, H. Schmale
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 77 (2005) Nr. 8, pp. 1191-1192

      Lösungsansätze zur systematischen Prozessentwicklung und Auslegung der Aufarbeitung von Biopharmazeutika
      S. Sommerfeld, J. Strube, M. Schulte, R. Ditz

    • EP Patent 2336617 B1

      Modular Valve System and its use in a method for producing chemical and pharmaceutical products with integrated multi-column chromatography
      J. Strube, K.U. Klatt, G. Noeth, J. Greifenberg, S. Böcker, H. Kansy, P. Jähn


    • John Wiley&Sons, Book: Fluid Separation Technology, Editor: R. Goedecke

      Technical Chromatography
      W. Arlt, M. Schulte, J. Strube

    • Starch-Stärke 48 (2006), pp. 452-457
      Dynamic Simulation of a Simulated-Moving-Bed Chromatography Reactor for the Inversion of Sucrose
      M. Meurer, U. Altenhöner, J. Strube, A. Untiedt, H. Schmidt-Traub
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 78 (2005) Nr. 9, pp. 1199-1199

      Integrated Downstream Process Design in Biorecovery - The White Knight to Slay the Cost Dragon?
      J. Strube, R. Ditz
    • WO Patent 2,006,027,118

      Liquid Distributor and Liquid Collector for Chromatography Columns
      G.H. Klepp, S. Böcker, J. Strube, H. Kansy, H. Schmale
    •  DE Patent 102,004,043,362

      Flüssigkeitsverteiler und Flüssigkeitssammler für Chromatographiesäulen
      G.H. Klepp, S. Böcker, J. Strube, H. Schmale, H. Kansy


    • John Wiley&Sons, Book: Bioseparation and Bioprocessing, Editor: G. Subramanian
      Continuous Bio Chromatography
      K. Wekenborg, M. Schulte, J. Strube
      Process Development and Optimization Methods in Biorecovery
      J. Strube, S. Sommerfeld, M. Lohrmann
    • EP Patent 1,753,517

      Method for the Production of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products with integrated Multicolumn Chromatography
      J. Strube, K.U. Klatt, G. Nöth, J. Greifenberg, S. Böcker, H. Kansy, P. Jähn, B. Justen
    • EP Patent 1,795,174

      Liquid Distributor and Liquid Collector for Chromatography Columns
      G.H. Klepp, S. Böcker, J. Strube, H. Kansy, H. Schmale


    • Sep. Sci. Technol. 43 (2008) No. 3, pp. 642-670

      Process Design Method for the Manufacturing of Natural Compounds and Related Molecules
      E. Ndocko, W. Bäcker, J. Strube
    • AIChE Journal 54 (2008) No. 11, pp. 2925-2942

      Design and Optimization of a Hybrid Distillation/Melt Crystallization Process
      M.B. Franke, N. Nowotny, E. Ndocko Ndocko, A. Gorak, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 80 (2008) Nr. 9, pp. 1301-1301

      Entwurf und Auslegung von Phytoextraktionsprozessen - Standardapparatur und Modellierung
      M. Kaßing, F. Grote, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 80 (2008) Nr. 9, pp. 1312-1313
      Integrierte Bioprozessentwicklung - Upstream, Downstream und "Downstream of Downstream"
      F. Grote, R. Ditz, J. Strube


    • US Patent 7,615,159

      Method for the Production of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products with integrated Multicolumn Chromatography
      J. Strube, K.U. Klatt, G. Nöth, J. Greifenberg, S. Böcker, H. Kansy, P. Jähn, B. Justen
    • US Patent 12/539,905
      Method for the Production of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products with integrated Multicolumn Chromatography
      J. Strube, K.U. Klatt, G. Nöth, J. Greifenberg, S. Böcker, H. Kansy, P. Jähn, B. Justen
    • US Patent 8658040 B2
      Modular valve system for countercurrent chromatography process 
      J. Strube, KU Klatt, G Noeth, J Greifenberg, S Bocker, H Kansy, P Jahn, B. Justen
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 81 (2009) Nr. 8, pp. 1064-1064

      Status der Fest-Flüssig-Extraktion von Pflanzenmaterial - Stand der Technik und Modellierung
      M. Kaßing, J. Strube, U. Jenelten, J. Schenk
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 81 (2009) Nr. 8, pp. 1065-1065
      Methode zur effizienten Feedcharakterisierung für die Verfahrensentwicklung von komplexen Gemischen am Beispiel von Pflanzenextrakten
      J.P. Josch, W. Bäcker, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 81 (2009) Nr. 8, pp. 1239-1239

      Integrierte Bioprozesse - Ökonomie als Innovationstreiber?
      R. Ditz,  F. Grote, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 81 (2009) Nr. 8, pp. 1065-1065
      Kombination von hydrophober Interaktions- und Ionenaustauschchromatographie
      C. Borrmann, S. Sommerfeld, M. Lohrmann, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 81 (2009) Nr. 8, pp. 1276-1277

      Downstream of Downstream Processing - Integrated Bioprocess Development from Upstream to Downstream
      F. Grote, R. Ditz,  J. Strube


    • Chem. Eng. Technol. 33 (2010) pp. 377-387
      A New Approach for Process Development of Plant-Based Extraction Processes
      M. Kaßing, U. Jenelten, J. Schenk, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 82 (2010) Nr. 9, pp. 1534-1534
      Integration von hydrophober Interaktions- und Ionenaustauschchromatographie
      C. Helling, C. Borrmann, S. Sommerfeld, M. Lohrmann, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 82 (2010) Nr. 9, pp. 1542-1542
      Integrierte Prozessentwicklung - Bioproduktion der Zukunft?
      F. Grote, R. Ditz, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 82 (2010) Nr. 9, pp. 1569-1569

      Auslegung von Bioextraktionsprozessen durch Prozessmodellierung in Kombination mit Miniplant-Versuchen am Beispiel der Antikörperaufreinigung
      J. E. Eggersglüß,  J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 82 (2010) Nr. 9, pp. 1571-1571
      Standardisierte Vorgehensweise zur Verfahrensausledung und -Optimierung von Phytoextraktionsprozessen
      R. Kerl, M. Kaßing, U. Jenelten, J. Schenk, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 82 (2010) Nr. 9, pp. 1582-1582
      Methode zur effizienten Feedcharakterisierung für die Verfahrensentwicklung von komplexen Gemischen am Beispiel von Pflanzenextrakten
      J.P. Josch, W. Bäcker, J. Strube


    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 83 (2011) Nr. 1-2, pp. 113-129

      New Material Design Strategy for Chromatographic Separation Steps in Bio-Recovery and Downstream Processing
      E. Ndocko Ndocko, J.P. Josch, R. Ditz, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 83 (2011) Nr. 7, pp. 1044-1065
      Process Development and Design of Downstream Processes
      J. Strube, F. Grote, J. P. Josch, R. Ditz
    • Chem. Eng. Technol. 34 (2011) pp. 673-687
      Integration of Ultrafiltration Unit Operations in Biotechnology Process Design
      F. Grote, H. Fröhlich, J. Strube
    • Sep. Sci. Technol. 46 (2011) No. 8, pp. 1289-1305
      Phenomena and Modeling of Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography
      C. Borrmann, C. Helling, M. Lohrmann, S. Sommerfeld, J. Strube
    • EP Patent 2,336,617
      Method for the Producing of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products with integrated Multicolumn Chromatography
      J. Strube, K.U. Klatt, G. Nöth, J. Greifenberg, S. Böcker, H. Kansy, P. Jähn, B. Justen
    • John Wiley&Sons, Book: Industrial Scale Natural Products Extraction, Editor: H.-J. Bart, S. Pilz
      Process Engineering and Mini-Plant Technology
      J. Strube, W. Bäcker, M. Schulte
    • John Wiley & Sons, Book: Fluidverfahrenstechnik: Grundlagen, Methodik, Technik, Praxis, Editor: R. Goedecke

      J. Strube, M. Schulte, W Arlt


    • Chem. Eng. Technol. 35 (2012) No. 1, pp. 109-132
      Combination of Rigorous ans Statistical Modeling for Process Development of Plant Based Extractions Based on Mass Balances and Biological Aspects
      M. Kaßing, U. Jenelten, J. Schenk, J. Strube
    • Chem. Eng. Technol. 35 (2011) No. 1, pp. 191-197
      Integration of Reverse-Osmosis Unit Operations in Biotechnology Process Design
      F. Grote, H. Fröhlich, J. Strube
    • J. Chem. Technol. Biochem. 87 (2012), No. 4, pp. 481-497
      Downstream of Downstream Processing: Development of Recycling Strategies for Biopharmaceutical Processes
      F. Grote, R. Ditz, J. Strube
    • John Wiley&Sons, Book: Biopharmaceutical Production Technology, Editor: G. Subramanian
      Modeling and Experimental Model Parameter Determination with Quality by Design (QbD) for Bioprocesses
      C. Helling, J. Strube
      Bioprocess Design and Production Technology for the Future
      J. Strube, F. Grote, R. Ditz
    • Chem. Eng. Technol. 35 (2011) No. 10, pp. 1786-1796

      Optimal Integration of Directly Combined Hydrophobic Interaction and Ion-Exchange Chromatography
      C. Helling, C. Borrmann, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 6, pp. 867-867
      Prädiktive Modellierung von Trennverfahren
      J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 6, pp. 868-874
      Die Produktbereiche der Vielstoffrektifikation
      A. Vogelpohl
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 6, pp. 875-879
      Separation Technologies 2030 - Are 100 Years of Chromatography Enough?
      R. Ditz
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 6, pp. 880-882
      Pflanzenextraktion: Schlüsseltechnologie zur nachhaltigen Nutzung von Bio-Ressourcen
      M. Tegtmeier
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 6, pp. 883-884
      Chemieanlagen der Zukunft - Unikate und/oder Module
      J. Lang, F. Stenger, R. Schütte
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 6, pp. 885-891
      Efficient Engineeing by Modularization into Package Units
      J. Rottke, F. Grote, H. Fröhlich, D. Köster, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 6, pp. 891-904
      Fundamentals towards a Modular Microstructured Production Plant
      C. Helling, H. Fröhlich, J. Eggersglüß, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 6, pp. 905-917
      Membrane Technology in Bioprocess Science
      H. Fröhlich, L. Villian, D. Melzner, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 6, pp. 918-931
      Characterization of Feed Properties for Conceptual Process Design Involing Complex Mixtures
      J. P. Josch, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 8, pp. 1180-1180
      Deemulgation of Stabilized Emulsions through the Downstream Processing of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
      H. Fröhlich, K. Gasser, P. Quast, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 8, pp. 1277-1277
      Multi-Stage Extraction in Microprocess Engineering
      T. Wellsandt, B. Stanisch, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 8, pp. 1334-1334
      Quality-by-Design with Rigorous Process Modeling as Platform Technology of the Future
      C. Helling, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 8, pp. 1335-1336
      Modell- und Miniplant-basierte Prozessentwicklung einer Proteinaufreinigung über wässrige Zweiphasenextraktion
      J. Eggersglüß, T. Wellsandt, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 8, pp. 1336-1336
      Integration of Membrane Unit Operations in Bioprocess Design
      H. Fröhlich, C. Helling, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 8, pp. 1349-1349
      Modeling and Design of Crystalization Processes of Natural Products
      I. Koudous, S. Both, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 8, pp. 1350-1350
      Produktionstechnologie für Biologicals
      J. Strube, T. Peuker
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 8, pp. 1350-1351
      Model-Based Design of Plant-Based Extraction Processes
      S. Both, C. Helling, U. Jenelten, S. Schenk, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 8, pp. 1410-1410
      Conceptual Process Design and Optimization by Modeling in Combination with Miniaturized Laboratory Experiments
      S. Both, J.P. Josch, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 84 (2012) No. 8, pp. 1416-1416
      Material by Design for Liquid Chromatography
      N. Kruse, R. Ditz, J. Strube
    • Food and Nutrition 3 (2012), pp. 836-850
      Characterization of Feed Properties for Conceptual Process Design Involving Complex Mixtures, Such as Natural Extracts
      J.P. Josch, S. Both, J. Strube
    • Chimica Oggi-Chemistry Today 30 (2012) No. 4, pp. 32-37
      Process development for the extraction of biomolecules - Application for downstream processing of proteins in aqueous two-phase systems
      J. Eggersgluess, S. Both and J. Strube
    • Biopharmaceutical Production Technology 1 & 2 (2012), pp. 409-443
      Modeling and Experimental Model Parameter Determination with Quality by Design for Bioprocesses
      C. Helling and J. Strube


    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 85 (2013) No. 8, pp. 55-71
      Physical characterization of column chromatography: stringent control over equipment performance in biopharmaceutical production, Trends in Chromatography
      C. Helling, T. Dams, B. Gerwat, A. Belousov, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 85 (2013) No. 8, pp. 1282-1289
      Resource‐Efficient Process Technology for Energy Plants
      S Both, C Helling, J Namyslo, D Kaufmann, B Rother, H Harling, J Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 85 (2013) No. 8, pp. 1272-1281
      Future Processing and Recycling Strategies for Rare Earths
      C Helling, J Strube
    • Chem.-Eng.-Technol. 36 (2013) No. 12, pp. 2125-2136
      Optimizing Established Processes like Sugar Extraction from Sugar Beets – Design of Experiments versus Physicochemical Modeling
      S. Both, J. Eggersglüß, A. Lehnberger, T. Schulz. T. Schulze, J. Strube
    • Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, pp. 1030-1034
      Extraction of polyphenols from black tea - conventional and ultrasound assisted extraction
      S. Both, F. Chemat, J. Strube


    • Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 53 (January 2014) No. 22, pp. 9169–9185
      Design and Operation of Continuous Countercurrent Chromatography in Biotechnological Production
      S. Zobel, C. Helling, R. Ditz and J. Strube
    • Comptes Rendus Chimie 17 (March 2014) No. 3, pp. 218-231
      Process design based on physicochemical properties for the example of obtaining valuable products from plant based extracts
      I. Koudous, S. Both, G. Gudi, H. Schulz, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Eng.-Technol. 37 (2014) No. 4, pp. 675-682
      Multi-Stage Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction for the Purification of Monoclonal Antibodies
      Jan K. Eggersgluess, Michael Richter, Michael Dieterle and Jochen Strube
    • “Green Extraction of Natural Products”. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 173-236.
      Panorama of Sustainable Solvents for Green Extraction Processes
      F. Chemat, J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 86 (2014) No. 9, pp. 1408
      Prozessentwicklung durch Integration von Upstream und Downstream Processing für biologisch aktive Substanzen
      P. Gronemeyer, J. Eggersglüß and J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 86 (2014) No. 9, pp. 1499
      Prozessintegration der Kristallisation in das Downstream-Processing von Pharmazeutika
      M. Lucke, I. Koudous and J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 86 (2014) No. 9, pp. 1453
      Entwicklung eines industrierelevanten Ansatzes zur Modellierung von Pervaporationen
      H. Thiess, B.C. Seyfang, T. Grützner and J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 86 (2014) No. 9, pp. 1491
      Integration der Prozessentwicklung von Upstream und Downstream Processing
      P. Gronemeyer and J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 86 (2014) No. 9, pp. 1504
      Integrated Counter Current Chromatography (iCCC) – Von der SMB zum integrierten Prozess
      S. Zobel, C. Helling and J. Strube
    • Bioengineering 1 (2014) No. 4, pp. 188,212
      Trends in Upstream and Downstream Process Development for Antibody Manufacturing
      P. Gronemeyer, R. Ditz and J. Strube
    • Comptes Rendus Chimie 17 (March 2014) No. 3, pp. 187-196
      Model-based equipment-design for plant-based extraction processes- considering botanic and thermodynamic aspects
      S. Both, I. Koudous, U. Jenelten, J. Strube
    • Chemie Ingenieur Technik 86 (2014) No. 5, pp. 687-694

      Efficient Engineering and Production Concepts for Products in Regulated Environments–Dream or Nightmare?
      J. Strube, R. Ditz, H. Fröhlich, D. Köster, T. Grützner, J. Koch, R. Schütte
    • Ultrasonics sonochemistry 21 (2014) No. 3, pp. 1030-1034

      Extraction of polyphenols from black tea–conventional and ultrasound assisted extraction
      S. Both, F. Chemat and J. Strube

    • Chemical Engineering & Technology 37 (2014) No. 10, pp. 1686-1696

      Integration of Aqueous Two‐Phase Extraction into Downstream Processing
      J. Eggersgluess, T. Wellsandt and J. Strube


    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 87 (2015) No. 1-2, pp. 150-158
      Characterization Method for Separation Deices Based on Micro Technology
      T. Wellsandt, B.Stanisch and J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 87 (2015) No. 9, pp. 1198-1206
      Development of Micro Separation Technology Modules. Part 1: Liquid-Liquid Extraction
      T. Wellsandt, B.Stanisch and J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 87 (2015) No. 9, pp. 1207-1214
      Development of Micro Separation Technology Modules. Part 2: Distillation
      B.Stanisch, T. Wellsandt and J. Strube
    • Chem.-Ing.-Tech. 87 (2015) No. 8, pp. 1057-1058
      Purification of Antibodies and their Fragments by ATPE and Precipitation: One Step towards a Chromatography-Free Manufacturing Process
      P. Gronemeyer and J. Strube
    • BMC Proceedings 9 (2015) No. 9, pp. 39
      Technological and methodical process integration in manufacturing of monoclonal antibodies
      P. Gronemeyer and J. Strube
    • Chemical Engineering & Technology 38 (2015) No. 11, pp. 2025-2035
      Development of Purification Concepts for Nutraceuticals from Algae–Part I: Characterization of Emulsifying Components
      H. Fröhlich, K. Gasser, S. Gaul, T. Grützner and J. Strube
    • Chemical Engineering & Technology 38 (2015) No. 11, pp. 2035-2044
      Development of Purification Concepts for Nutraceuticals from Algae–Part II: Design of Purification Strategies
      H. Fröhlich, K. Gasser, S. Gaul, T. Grützner and J. Strube
    • Talanta 143 (2015), pp. 42-49
      Infrared and Raman spectroscopic methods for characterization of Taxus baccata L.–Improved taxane isolation by accelerated quality control and process surveillance
      G. Gudi, A. Krähmer, I. Koudous, J. Strube and H. Schulz
    • ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ARZNEI-& GEWURZPFLANZEN 19 (2015) No. 4, pp. 169-177
      Herbal Extract Production-From Evolution to Revolution
      S. Both, J. Strube and M. Tegtmeier
    • John Wiley&Sons, Book: Green extraction of natural products: theory and practice, Editor: F. Chemat, J. Strube
      Panorama of Sustainable Solvents for Green Extraction Processes
      I. Koudous, W. Kunz, J. Strube
    •  John Wiley&Sons, Book: Green extraction of natural products: theory and practice, Editor: F. Chemat, J. Strube
      Process Engineering and Product Design for Green Extraction
      S. Both, R Ditz, M Tegtmeier, U Jenelten, J. Strube
    • John Wiley&Sons, Book: Green extraction of natural products: theory and practice, Editor: F. Chemat, J. Strube
      Mass Transfer Enhancement for Solid–Liquid Extractions
      S. Both, J. Strube, G. Cravatto


    • Comptes Rendus Chimie 19 (2016) No. 6, pp. 733-748
      Process design for integration of extraction, purification and formulation with alternative solvent concepts
      M. Sixt, I. Koudous and J. Strube
    • Bioengineering 3 (2016) No. 4,
      Purification of Monoclonal Antibodies Using a Fiber Based Cation-Exchange Stationary Phase: Parameter Determination and Modeling
      J Schwellenbach, S Zobel, F Taft, L Villain and J Strube
    • Biochemical Engineering Journal 113 (2016), pp. 158-166
      DoE based integration approach of upstream and downstream processing regarding HCP and ATPE as harvest operation
      P Gronemeyer, R Ditz and J Strube
    • Journal of Chromatography A 1447 (2016), pp. 92-106
      Preparation and characterization of high capacity, strong cation-exchange fiber based adsorbents
      J Schwellenbach, F Taft, L Villain and J Strube
    • Chimica Oggi-Chemistry Today 34(2016) No. 3, pp. 66-70
      Implementation of aqueous two-phase extraction combined with precipitation in a monoclonal antibody manufacturing process
      P Gronemeyer, R Ditz and J Strube
    • Biochemical Engineering Journal 113 (2016), pp. 158-166
      DoE based integration approach of upstream and downstream processing regarding HCP and ATPE as harvest operation
      P Gronemeyer, R Ditz and J Strube
    • Reactive and Functional Polymers 106 (2016), pp. 32-42
      Controlling the polymer-nanolayer architecture on anion-exchange membrane adsorbers via surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization
      J Schwellenbach, P Kosiol, B Sölter, F Taft, L Villain, J Strube


    • Resource-Efficient Technologies, In Press (2017)
      Quality-by-Design (QbD) process evaluation for phytopharmaceuticals on the example of 10-deacetylbaccatin III from yew
      L. Uhlenbrock, M. Sixt and J. Strube
    • Resource-Efficient Technologies, In Press (2017)
      Pressurized hot water extracion of 10-deacetylbaccatin III from yew for industrial application
      M. Sixt and J. Strube
    • Journal of Membrane Science 522 (2017), pp. 292-302
      Passage of soft pathogens through microfiltration membranes scales with transmembrane pressure
      A. Helling, A. Kubicka, IAT Schaap, M. Polakovic, B. Hansmann, H. Thiess, J. Strube and V. Thom

    • Antibodies 6 (2017), 13
      Host Cell Proteins in Biologics Manufacturing: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
      M. Kornecki, F. Mestmäcker, S. Zobel-Roos, L. Heikaus de Figueiredo, H. Schlüter and J. Strube
    • Antibodies 6 (2017), 4
      Process Analytical Approach towards Quality Controlled Process Automation for the Downstream of Protein Mixtures by Inline Concentration Measurements Based on Ultraviolet/Visible Light (UV/VIS) Spectral Analysis
      S. Zobel-Roos, M. Mouellef, C. Siemers and J. Strube
    • Antibodies 6 (2017), 4
      Integradtion of Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction as Cell Harvest and Capture Operation in the Manufacturing Process of Monoclonal Antibodies
      A. Schmidt, M. Richter, F. Rudolph and J. Strube
    • Processes 5 (2017), 4
      Systematic and Model-Assisted Evaluation of Solvent Based- or Pressurized Hot Water Extraction for the Extraction of Artemisinin from Artemisia annua L.
      M. Sixt and J. Strube
    • Journal of Membrane Science 540 (2017), pp. 440-453
      Module design for ultrafiltration in biotechnology: Hydraulic analysis and statistical modeling
      H. Thiess, M. Leuthold, U. Grummert and J. Strube
    • John Wiley&Sons, Book: Continuous Biomanufacturing: Innovative Technologies and Methods, Editor: G. Subramanian
      • Engineering Challenges of Continuous Biomanufacturing Processes (CBP)
        H. Thiess, S. Zobel-Roos, P. Gronemeyer, R. Ditz, J. Strube
      • Continuous Chromatography as a Fully Integrated Process in Continuous Biomanufacturing
        S. Zobel-Roos, H. Thiess, P. Gronemeyer, R. Ditz, J. Strube
      • Integration of Upstream and Downstream in Continuous Biomanufacturing
        P. Gronemeyer, H. Thiess, S. Zobel-Roos, R. Ditz, J. Strube


    • Membranes (2018)
      Development of a Scale-up Tool for Pervaporation Processes
      H. Thiess, A. Schmidt and J. Strube
    • Comptes Rendus Chimie (2018)
      In-line Raman spectroscopy and advanced process control for the extraction of anethole and fenchone from fennel (Foeniculum vulgare L. Mill.)
      M. Sixt, G. Gudi, H. Schulz and J. Strube
    • Antibodies (2018)
      Evaluation of Continuous Membrane Chromatography Concepts with an Enhanced Process Simulation Approach
      S. Zobel-Roos, D. Stein and J. Strube
    • Bioengineering (2018)
      Process Analytical Technology for Advanced Process Control in Biologics Manufacturing with the Aid of Macroscopic Kinetic Modeling
      M. Kornecki and J. Strube
    • Chemical Engineering Research and Design (2018)
      Integrating crystallization with experimental model parameter determination and modeling into cenceptual process design for the purification of complex feed muxtures
      M. Lucke, I. Koudous, M. Sixt, M. Huter and J. Strube
    • Processes (2018)
      Towards a Distinct and Quantitative Validation Method for Predictive Process Modelling-On the Example of Solid-Liquid Extraction Processes of Complex Plant Extracts
      M. Sixt, L. Uhlenbrock and J. Strube
    • Processes (2018)
      Systematic Design and Evaluation of an Extraction Process for Traditionally Used Herbal Medicine on the Example of Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna JACQ.)
      M. Sixt and J. Strube
    • Processes (2018)
      Systematic and Model-Assisted Process Design for the Extraction and Purification of Artemisinin from Artemisia annua L. - Part I: Conceptual Process Design and Cost Estimation
      M. Sixt, A. Schmidt, F. Mestmäcker, M. Huter, L. Uhlenbrock and J. Strube
    • Processes (2018)
      Systematic and Model-Assisted Process Design for the Extraction and Purification of Artemisinin from Artemisia annua L. - Part II: Model-Based Design of Agitated and Packed Columns for Multistage Extraction and Scrubbing
      A. Schmidt, M. Sixt, M. Huter, F. Mestmäcker and J. Strube
    • Processes (2018)
      Systematic and Model-Assisted Process Design for the Extraction and Purification of Artemisinin from Artemisia annua L. - Part III: Chromatographic Purification
      F. Mestmäcker, A. Schmidt, M. Huter, M. Sixt and J. Strube
    • Processes (2018)
      Systematic and Model-Assisted Process Design for the Extraction and Purification of Artemisinin from Artemisia annua L. - Part IV: Crystallization
      M. Huter, A. Schmidt, F. Mestmäcker, M. Sixt and J. Strube
    • Processes (2018)
      Natural Products Extraction of the Future-Sustainable Manufacturing Solutions for Societal Needs
      L. Uhlenbrock, M. Sixt, M. Tegtmeier, H. Schulz, H. Hagels, R. Ditz and J. Strube
    • Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification (2018)
      Process Intensification in Biologics Manufacturing
      J. Strube, R. Ditz, M. Kornecki, M. Huter, A. Schmidt, H. Thiess, S. Zobel-Roos
    • Techno Scienze Publisher (2018)
      M. Kornecki, A. Schmidt, J. Strube
    • Wiley-VCH (2018)
      Application and Fundamentals of Liquid-Liquid Extraction Processes: Purification of Biologics, Botanicals, and Strategic Metals
      A. Schmidt, J. Strube


    • Processes (2019)
      Accelerating Biologics Manufacturing by Modeling or: Is Approval under the QbD and PAT Approaches Demanded by Authorities Acceptable without a Digital-Twin?
      S. Zobel-Roos, A. Schmidt, F. Mestmäcker, M. Mouellef, M. Huter, L. Uhlenbrock, M. Kornecki, L. Lohmann, R. Ditz and J. Strube
    • Processes (2019)
      Accelerating Biologics Manufacturing by Upstream Process Modelling
      M. Kornecki and J. Strube
    • 1985 - 1992    Studium der Chemietechnik an der Universität Dortmund
    • 02/1992          Abschluß: Diplom-Ingenieur
    • 1992-1996     Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Anlagen-technik     der Abteilung Chemietechnik an der Universität Dortmund, Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Schmidt-Traub
      Graduiertenförderungsstipendium des Landes NRW
      Max-Buchner-Forschungsstipendium, DECHEMA e.V.
    • 4/1996 Promotion zum Doktor-Ingenieur, Universität Dortmund
      ”Simulation und Optimierung kontinuierlicher Simulated Moving Bed (SMB)-Chromatographie-Prozesse”
    • 1996-1998 Oberingenieur und Habilitand Fachgebiet ”Prozeß- und Anlagentechnik” am Lehrstuhl für Anlagentechnik, Fachbereich Chemietechnik, Universität Dortmund
      Aufbau und Leitung der Arbeitsgruppe Adsorption/Chromatographie
    • 1998 Lehrpreis der Universität Dortmund, Fachbereich Chemietechnik
    • ab 1/1999 Mitarbeiter Bayer AG, Zentrale Technik - Technische Entwicklung – Fluidverfahrenstechnik, Extraktion und Chromatographie
    • 5/1999 Habilitation Fachbereich Chemietechnik, Universität Dortmund, Thema “Technische Chromatographie”, Venia Legendi “Verfahrenstechnik”
    • ab 1/2000 verantwortlich für Arbeitsgebiet Adsorption/ Chromatographie/Ionenaustausch: Betriebsanalysen, Verfahrensentwicklungen, Strategische Forschungs-projekte
    • bis 2/2006 technisch und wirtschaftlich verantwortlich für das Produkt Prozess Chromatographie Verfahrensentwicklung und Anlagenbau sowie strategische Forschungsprojekte Fluidverfahrenstechnik und Bioverfahrenstechnik
    • seit März 2006 Direktor des Institutes für Thermische Verfahrens- und Prozesstechnik der TU Clausthal

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